Ignite for the World Gala Sponsors

  • Dusewicz & Soberick, P.C.
  • Kaddy & David Hamilton
  • Bernadette Leidel
  • Christopher and Cathryn Perry
  • Sammy & Sandy Turbeville
  • Bob Veith
  • Casey Kia

IGNITE for the World!
JDRF Hampton Roads 2011 Gala

Please join us. Together, we will be known as the people who brought an end to type 1 diabetes.

Honoring B. Rod Rodriguez
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Six o'clock in the evening
Westin Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA

 Please use this website to register, select your sponsorship level,
make a cash donation, donate an auction item and view the auction catalog. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please call the JDRF Hampton Roads office at (757) 497-2202 or email Natalia Castle at

Event Image